Retail side hustle: Savvy or Sell out?
In the current “gig economy” there seems to be two words on everybody’s lips - SIDE HUSTLE, and with so many ways to earn and learn online in 2022 it seems that every one and their neighbour is now adding extra income streams into their household economy. So what about make up artists?
If we look at industry trends we find that more and more artists are either not going into business following their MUA graduation, or if they are in business - they’re struggling. COVID of course hit our industry hard, and that coupled with the lack of business education we receive as artists is contributing to a decline in overall job satisfaction to may artists I communicate with. So how do we bring the passion back? And how do we help our fellow make up missionaries earn more money and improve their business practices?
Theres 2 essential things to do
Learn how to treat your freelance artistry like a business - use contracts, ensure your pricing pays you fairly, write a business plan, be professional - all of which and more you can learn in the best industry resource available right now - the Make Up Artists Inc book (which you can purchase here)
Start a retail product side hustle. Yes, that’s a thing.
I can practically hear some of you rolling your eyes and thinking that in adding this to your freelance business you’re somehow selling out for a subpar product - and while there are definitely some retail side hustles like this, i’ve found one that sells legitimately professional products i’m proud to use on and offer to clients.
Why would you want to start a retail side hustle in the first place? Let me set the scene…
You are at a booking, the client is obsessed with her make up look (go you good thing!) she wants ALL the details on what you’ve used because she’s never had make up that actually matches her skin tone, made her feel good, and bought her eyelashes back to life! So, being the incredible service-person you are, you write her up a list of what you’ve used, direct her to Sephora, and go home with the sweet satisfaction of offering a great service. The next day your client still on their makeover high, goes into their local Westfield, heads into Sephora and drops her hard earned cash on every product you recommended, and in return Sephora gives you….nothing. Nada. Nil.
With a legitimate retail side hustle you remove Sephora (or other leading make up retailers who don’t reward the artists who send customers and cash their way) from the equation, and in doing so can offer BETTER service, and earn yourself commission, which improves your business practices and success.
In 2019 a brand arrived in Australia which offered a unique opportunity to make up artists. A company with an extensive history and renowned reputation among well known professional artists (think - LOTTIE, Danessa, James Vincent….) arrived on our shores with its incredible full coverage foundation, high pigment shadows and lucrative affiliate/consultant payment plan. What does this mean? It means that when you become an affiliate with this brand, and you go to your bookings, use this make up, get your clients wish list and refer them to your store - YOU are making the commission for your recommendation, not Sephora. Its just smart business. Its good business, and I don’t know why more make up artists aren’t doing it!
So retail make up - savvy or sellout? SAVVY. All day every day. Stop sending your clients and their money elsewhere when you are doing all the work making them feel and look amazing! Add a retail side hustle to your freelance business and enjoy the extra income, flexibility and opportunity it brings.